I am proud to introduce myself as the Trust Leader for Delta Education Trust. I’ve led the trust for several years now and have previously been a headteacher and senior leader in a variety of special and mainstream schools.
My role in the Trust, like all leaders, is to decide what we do and how we do it. The ‘what’ is fairly easy… we want every pupil to achieve the best possible outcomes from their time with us. The ‘how’ is the hard bit – that’s because its about setting the ethos of the Trust. The ethos is what makes people love or hate their jobs – and for a school, it’s what makes pupils love or hate their learning.
Our ethos is encompassed in our vision statement…
‘Learning together in pursuit of happiness’
However, it’s easy to come up with a ‘strapline’ that says something aspirational and wholesome – what really counts is whether it’s true. That’s the heart of my role – to ensure that our vision is translated into meaningful actions and that those actions feel true and honest to everyone involved with the Trust.
This website gives an outline of what Delta does, but is necessarily brief. If you’d like to know more about the Trust, or want to visit us, please get in contact.
John White